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افتراضي تعبير عن الطفولة انجليزي مترجم , موضوع تعبير عن الطفولة



تعبير عن الطفولة قصير بالانجليزي مترجم للعربية ايضا

Definition of childhood

Childhood refers to a situation in which a person is below maturity or adulthood, There is a close link in many societies between the concept of childhood, physical maturity, physical maturity and reproductive maturity.

As for modern Western societies, it is different, As the transition from childhood to adulthood requires many years after puberty.

The term “childhood” is defined legally as a situation that describes the dependence of individuals on adults, being unable to take care of themselves, their lack of cognitive competence, and emotional rights of adults.

Here, psychological immaturity is one of the other criteria on which the definition of the term child is based, Thus, the definition of childhood falls under the category of many complex cultural judgments, primarily the issue of maturity and lack thereof.

As well as the presumed capacities of children, and how they differ from adults, and hence we note that childhood is a social group, not just a human nature.

UNICEF definition of childhood

From UNICEF’s point of view, childhood is the time when children get the right education for this stage and play, in an environment full of love and support from adults, including their families and communities, away from the fear of abuse, exploitation and violence.

Hence, this organization views the concept of childhood as a much deeper concept than the stage in which a person lives between birth and maturity, focusing on the living situation in which the child lives and the quality of life he or she experiences during those years.

There are many differences and intellectual and cultural differences that define childhood. The UN General Assembly defines this aspect as the period in which the child lives before reaching puberty, taking into account the appropriate and inappropriate conditions for the child.

Medical concept of childhood

Medical concept of childhood is defined as the period in which male and female births live from birth until the beginning of puberty, Where parents must take care of their children during that period, by providing all the necessary means to prepare a human personality suitable for these children.

Definition of childhood

Childhood refers to a situation in which a person is below maturity or adulthood, There is a close link in many societies between the concept of childhood, physical maturity, physical maturity and reproductive maturity.

As for modern Western societies, it is different, As the transition from childhood to adulthood requires many years after puberty.

The term “childhood” is defined legally as a situation that describes the dependence of individuals on adults, being unable to take care of themselves, their lack of cognitive competence, and emotional rights of adults.

Here, psychological immaturity is one of the other criteria on which the definition of the term child is based, Thus, the definition of childhood falls under the category of many complex cultural judgments, primarily the issue of maturity and lack thereof.

As well as the presumed capacities of children, and how they differ from adults, and hence we note that childhood is a social group, not just a human nature.

UNICEF definition of childhood

From UNICEF’s point of view, childhood is the time when children get the right education for this stage and play, in an environment full of love and support from adults, including their families and communities, away from the fear of abuse, exploitation and violence.

Hence, this organization views the concept of childhood as a much deeper concept than the stage in which a person lives between birth and maturity, focusing on the living situation in which the child lives and the quality of life he or she experiences during those years.

There are many differences and intellectual and cultural differences that define childhood. The UN General Assembly defines this aspect as the period in which the child lives before reaching puberty, taking into account the appropriate and inappropriate conditions for the child.

Medical concept of childhood

Medical concept of childhood is defined as the period in which male and female births live from birth until the beginning of puberty, Where parents must take care of their children during that period, by providing all the necessary means to prepare a human personality suitable for these children.


تشير الطفولة إلى الوضع الذي يكون فيه الشخص دون النضج أو مرحلة البلوغ، وهناك صلة وثيقة في العديد من المجتمعات بين مفهوم الطفولة والنضج البدني والنضج البدني والنضج الإنجابي.

أما بالنسبة للمجتمعات الغربية الحديثة، فهي مختلفة، حيث أن الانتقال من مرحلة الطفولة إلى مرحلة البلوغ يتطلب سنوات عديدة بعد سن البلوغ.

ويعرف مصطلح "الطفولة" قانونيا بأنه وضع يصف اعتماد الأفراد على البالغين، وعدم القدرة على الاعتناء بأنفسهم، وافتقارهم للكفاءة المعرفية، والحقوق العاطفية للبالغين.

وهنا، فإن عدم النضج النفسي هو أحد المعايير الأخرى التي يستند إليها تعريف مصطلح الطفل، وهكذا، فإن تعريف الطفولة يندرج تحت فئة العديد من الأحكام الثقافية المعقدة، ولا سيما مسألة النضج وعدم وجودها.

فضلا عن القدرات المفترضة للأطفال، وكيف تختلف عن الكبار، وبالتالي نلاحظ أن الطفولة هي فئة اجتماعية، وليس مجرد طبيعة إنسانية.

تعريف اليونيسيف للطفولة

من وجهة نظر اليونيسف، الطفولة هي الوقت الذي يحصل فيه الأطفال على التعليم المناسب لهذه المرحلة واللعب، في بيئة مليئة بالحب والدعم من البالغين، بما في ذلك أسرهم ومجتمعاتهم، بعيدا عن الخوف من الاعتداء والاستغلال والعنف.

وبالتالي، فإن هذه المنظمة ترى مفهوم الطفولة كمفهوم أعمق بكثير من المرحلة التي يعيش فيها الشخص بين الولادة والنضج، مع التركيز على الحالة المعيشية التي يعيش فيها الطفل ونوعية الحياة التي يعيشها خلال تلك السنوات.

هناك العديد من الاختلافات والفوارق الثقافية والثقافية التي تحدد الطفولة. وتعرف الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة هذا الجانب بأنه الفترة التي يعيش فيها الطفل قبل بلوغ سن البلوغ، مع مراعاة الظروف الملائمة وغير الملائمة للطفل.

المفهوم الطبي، بسبب، تشيلدود

ويعرف المفهوم الطبي للطفولة بأنه الفترة التي تعيش فيها المواليد الذكور والإناث منذ الولادة وحتى بداية البلوغ، حيث يجب على الآباء رعاية أطفالهم خلال تلك الفترة، من خلال توفير جميع الوسائل اللازمة لإعداد شخصية إنسانية مناسبة لهذه الأطفال.


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